Hello world!
I'm really excited to build this website and be able to express myself out here. I've been thinking of making a neocities website for months, and recently I lost my twitter account, so I guess that was the last push I needed! I find it really beautiful how people here fill their sites with all the things they like and spend so much time and effort into making their pages special, and how other people go out of their way to explore those sites and participate! It's such a big contrast from the dreadful way most other social media works nowadays.
I've been working a lot on my main page and I have tons of ideas for stuff I want to add, but it will probably take me a while to get things going since I'm still learning HTML, CSS and JavaScript. So, for now, I decided to add my blog page and my about page in this pretty bare bones state, just to get things started while I work on my coding skills!
I think that's it for now, hope to bring more updates soon! Byee!